The bearded woodman, checking in.
(This is the first of many informal blog posts. Writing about business and artistic progression has been on an incredibly long list of mine for about a year, as it’s a dark November Sunday, I felt the need to throw my thoughts into the airwaves).
A quick shoutout!
We are very lucky to be working within the National Forest and are pleased to announce that with the support of the National forests woodland economy grant scheme we have been able to purchase a fantastic JET drum sander to help us perfect our craft. This allows us to finish smaller items such as chopping and serving boards to a higher standard and to keep on doing what we love.
At Mortimers we are forever trying to master our craft and workflow, as well as leading the industry in innovative design and perfection in finishing.
Along with a drum sander, the NFC have also helped us in introducing a dust extraction unit into the workshop, this now means we can spend a little less time coughing and sweeping up dust and far more time on our customer commissions and looking at new product lines as well ask trying to keep up with website stock in time for Christmas. We are thrilled with how the workshop is developing and will be forever thankful to the folks at the National Forest.
Furthermore as you may have noticed on our socials we have been experimenting with resin, as I am sure a lot of you will have seen resin seems to be becoming more popular by the day and we can see why! It is such a unique and unusual way to frame timber, this has been a two birds with one stone hit for us as we have always suffered with cracking and gaps within timber, we are now successfully infilling with resin with fantastic results.
This month I was also able to get my Granddad to the workshop, it was wonderful to show him what he inspired me to do, needless to say, I think he was very much at home, and as the business grows I am reminded of his wise words love what you do you’ll never work another day in your life, and Grandmas “have fun and be happy”. Of which I am doing both.
I hope to have the time to write a little more and develop Mortimers website further over the coming weeks and months, as someone who like either being outside or tucked away in the back of the workshop chipping away at some unlikely oak slab I find it difficult to spend time on at my desk, I’ve made a promise to myself and will stick to it!
If you would like to find out more about the National Forest click here. There is always plenty to do and lots of historic woodland to explore, highly recommended.
Jordan (the bearded woodman)
Selecting an appropriate slab of oak
Pouring, resin takes at least two days to cure
Final result
The monster dust extractor!
Our beloved drum sander